Problem Finding: An egg inspiration project

Devil + Angel

Problem Finding: An egg inspiration project

Problem Finding: An egg inspiration project

Eggshells remind me of a relationship that is fragile and easily broken which is no different from my broken relationship with my dad. The memories that I had were dark, negative, and vulnerable. I just hated him. But my attitude towards him shifted when I became an adult. I have learned that life is not black and white. There are two sides of the same coin—good and bad.

Front: Devil Side

Front: Devil Side

For this particular project, an eggshell was used as a metaphor for my fragile memories of my dad. His image was cut into small, organic shapes and forms which I assembled back to its original positions. The seams and depth that this layering technique created displays the imperfection and damage of my feelings.

Back: Angel Side

Back: Angel Side

The good memories were reversely represented on the opposite side with the same paper cutting technique but mirrored his image with angelic white color to represent the better side of him that I had discovered.

2 Sided

2 Sided

I don’t hate him anymore. My feelings towards him gradually shifted and fully developed in the Fall 2015. I was grateful to be able to spend time with him and sincerely tell him to “Take care and get better, dad” for the last time.